Dorset SENDIASS – Young People’s Area

Welcome to the Dorset SENDIAS Young people’s area. If you are aged 16-25 and live in Dorset, you are in the right place! On this page you will find useful resources for young people. We have a dedicated Young Person Officer in our service who can talk to you about the needs you have and ways you can be better heard.

Visit our Facebook page

Are you, or someone you know, in need of safeguarding or well- being support? Use the link below to access local services that can help:

* Dorset Police

* Reporting a Concern

* Dorset Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHs)

Our Dorset SENDIASS Designated Safeguarding Officer (DSL) is Helen Wemyss.

Do make contact if there is anything you would like to talk about: (please write: FAO DSL in the subject line)