Annual Reviews in Year 9 and above

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What is an annual review?

An annual review is a meeting that looks at your Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) to see if anything might need changing to support you. Annual reviews from year 9 and above may also be called a:

• phase transfer review
• transition review
• progress review
• person centred review

Person Centred Planning

Annual reviews MUST be person centred – about you, not for you. People talk about a person centred reviews but what does this really mean?

Person centred planning means all the plans made must be about you and the education, support and training you will need.

From year 9 onwards your annual review should be looking at specific areas:

• employment
• independent living
• friends, relationships and community
• good health

You should always be invited to your annual review and supported to prepare for the meeting. This could be by your setting, your parents, by our SENDIASS team or anyone else such as a friend.


Outcomes should be talked about at your annual review. Outcomes are what you would like to achieve in the future and by when.
Outcomes must be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timely).

S – SPECIFIC  –  What do you want to achieve?

MMEASURABLE  –  How will I know that I have completed the task?

A – ACHIEVABLE  –  Is it possible to achieve this goal within the set time frame?

R – REALISTIC  –  Is this goal worth working hard for? Will it help me with my long-term goals?

T – TIMELY  –  When does this need to be done by?

For more information and examples of outcomes take a look at the Preparing for Adulthood outcomes resource

Helping you prepare for your annual review in Year 9 and above

These are some questions to think about before your meeting:


Questions that should be asked are:

• do you need support to find out information?
• have you been given advice and guidance to find out about suitable careers for you?
• do you need help to write a CV?
• do you need help to find a work placement?
• do you need to learn new skills to help you find a job?

Independent Living

Questions that should be asked are:

• where would you like to live, who would you like to live with?
• what would your parents/carers like for you when you are 18?
• do you need support with housing advice?
• do you need to learn skills at home and school to support living independently such as cooking skills?
• do you need help to travel independently?

Friends, relationships and community

Questions that you may want to think about are:

• do you need help to make friends?
• do you need support to meet friends?
• can you carry on with your hobbies and friendships once you leave school?
• how do you become part of the community where you live or would like to live?

Good Health

Questions that should be asked are:

• are you registered with a Doctor (GP)
• do you need to see a Dentist or Optician?
• are your social emotional and mental health needs being met and who helps you with this?
• will you need support from any health services to plan the move from children to adult services?
• do you need help to live a healthy lifestyle?

Phase Transfer reviews

Are you moving between different stages of education?

Moving from Secondary School to A Post-16 Placement

If you are moving from secondary school to a post-16 placement/college, you must have an annual review and your new placement must be named in your EHCP by 31st March in the year you are moving.

Moving from a Post-16 Placement to another Post-16 Placement

If you are moving from one post-16 placement/college to another post-16 placement, you must have an annual review and your new placement must be named in your EHCP 5 months before you move.

What will happen after an annual review meeting?

After your annual review your EHCP should be updated if changes need to be made. The local authority is responsible for making these changes.

Your plan should not be ceased (stopped) just because you are aged 16 or over.
The local authority MUST give you a decision letter within 4 weeks of the review meeting. If you disagree with any of the local authority’s decisions, you have a right to make an appeal to the First Tier Tribunal for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).

Contact us

Do you have any questions?
If you have any questions or would like support, please call or email us for free, confidential, impartial information, advice and support.

If you are a young person aged 16 or over and  would like support from SENDIASS, please fill out and return our young person consent form